Practical Reproductions Canvas Prints are prints of existing artwork such as drawings, paintings, signs or printed photographs which have been digitally recaptured. These pieces have been digitized by either digital scanning or digital photographic capturing methods. Prints created from this method allow for easy and fast capturing with highly accurate and favorable results. However, there is an inherent loss of information depending on the quality of the device used. Also, this method may reproduce undesirable artifacts such as lighting variations, substrate textures, shadows or surface imperfections as well as distortions caused by the capturing device. All in all this method is a very practical and accurate way to reproduce existing art and often the only method available. Ojai Creates! differs from other companies creating canvas prints from existing artwork by paying attention to every detail during the reproduction process,  from photographing the original piece to producing the final product. Our canvas prints will be clean, clear and as close to the original color as possible.

Canvas Photo Prints are prints using existing digital content such as digital photographs, desktop publishing software, PDF files, etc. These prints utilize 100% of the original artwork information and have the highest reproduction quality possible, not muddy or with lighting conditions that are too dark or too light.

With all machine created reproductions there are inherent limitations in both colors and detail, and loss of such information is to be expected. Scaling an image beyond 100% its original size will result in magnification of imperfections and or missing information. Please keep in mind no matter the printer, exact reproduction is not possible. For example: Hyper-vivid or fluorescent colors cannot be accurately reproduced nor can three dimensional brush strokes or metallic attributes. When using 100% digitally created artwork please know that depending on variations such as monitors adjustments, color space used, and resolution.The final print may appear different than the original. A physical sample or use of Pantone colors must be provided if you desire the closest match to the original art.    


Standard stretcher bars are great for when you are going to frame the canvas print. They are ¾” thick and fit in most standard frames. Gallery stretcher bars are 1  1/2” thick and are intended to be displayed without a frame. We recommend the use of Gallery stretcher bars for all canvas prints over 24”. We recommend our premium Gallery stretcher bars for canvas prints over 48”. Premium stretcher bars are made from very tight grain quarter sawed premium timber which resists distortions.


Only the Finest Canvas is Used

Ojai Creates! uses a canvas that is 65% polyster, with a 35% cotton base. The guage is 20.51 mils, has a bright, white Satin finish with a medium texture. Your picture will be stretched in-house and be ready to hang or be framed, at your choice. Please feel free to call us for more detailed information about the canvas or inks used.